Wednesday 26 March 2008

waaaaaa...finally i can play internet again...for almost a week waiting to be fixed and now it's happy ^^anyway...want to say "HAPPY EASTER" to all of you who celebrate if i'm late to say it...but better late than never, ryt?! :p hehehe...
. is so COMPLICATED, some says that "Life is easy,dun make it hard" and some says "Life has been so hard,dun make it harder", erm..what are you thinkin of bout your Life?^^
Kehidupanmu bisa berada di atas ataupun berada di bawah, di saat berada di atas janganlah kamu bersombong diri atas segala yang telah kamu raih hingga berada di atas, bagi kamu yang merasa berada dibawah..janganlah kamu merasa pesimis terhadap kehidupanmu, karena roda kehidupan terus akan berputar..

Thursday 13 March 2008

Like a Dandelion...

Our parents are like Dandelion* which always covering us with their warm Loves n give the best for us,when the time has come...they'll let us go to learn more bout ourself, to be more mature..and ofcourse with a lot of hopes for us to be a better person. We should appreciate their hard works for us n never disappointed them ^^
Let us remember for a moment...think bout their kindness that have given to us...their pray n support, their trust in us n most of all, think bout their Unconditional Love to us as their child...imagine without them...can we be like this now? ^^
"Have you appreciated them for their works?"
"How will you pay for their kindness?"
"What's the best thing you've done for them?"
"What will you do next for them?"
"Do you really love them"?"
And the answers for that...only God who knows and yourself...
Maybe for some people (especially me) it's hard to say "I Love You, Mom", "I Love You, Dad" but with that words can make your parents know that you want to say thank you for their kindness n love that have given to you and also to show that you Love them too..^^
In fact...i'm too shy to say bout that in real life,but...ermm...i'll try it later ^^.
Before that..from this blog, i want my parents know...maybe i've been make them disappointed, make them felt upset for all i've done...i'm apologize for that, even though i never meant to make them being upset coz of me...i'm really sorry...i just want to give the best...>.<.
And also I would say thank you for Mom&Dad's Great Love that you've given to me, it will last forever in my deepest heart ^^.
Last but not the least...i want to say "I LOVE YOU, MOM"; "I LOVE YOU, DAD"; "I LOVE YOU, BRO"...i wish all THE BEST for my family...God Bless You All ^^
"A Dandelion is a most precious gift when clutched in the hand of a child you love,
Diamonds pale in comparison when you hear the words, 'Mommy, I picked this for you!"
-Tina Chambers
*Dandelion is a flower which keep the seeds on its flower head, and when the wind blow...the seeds will fly away leaving its head for journey to be new Dandelion flowers.

Monday 10 March 2008

Farewell Le§Gend (my guild name in game)

this is my experience playing game online, yesterday i feel a lil bit sad, coz i must say gut bye to all of my guildmates in online game named Perfect World Online...not only me but all of us in there...we decided to disband the guild coz some reasons >.<
Eventhough it's only a game, but in there i've met many people (but i never met them in real life ;( coz mostly are from malaysia and singapore...wish i could be there sunday xD) especially in Le§Gend guild, we're like family there...we help each other, we laughing together, going crazy xD, etc not only that...sumtimes we share bout our real life..^^ sighh...i'll miss that ;(
btw, before we all split-up, we gathered and took last pic ^^ here's the pic...

miss u all guys >.<
i just hope, even if we split-up...we can still keep in touch or maybe we can reunion in a new guild :p last but not least...farewell Le§Gend, my best regard for Le§Gend and for all of you...thank you ^o^ Gut Luck for you guys and keep rockin' Perfect World Online! ^o^

Saturday 8 March 2008

Precious Life...

Terkadang kita merasakan bahagia di dalam hidup kita, terkadang pula kita merasakan bosan dengan hidup ini...tetapi coba lah kita melihat, kita bisa makan, tidur, bermain, tertawa, menangis, de el el, de el el...itu semua bisa kita lakukan karena kita tu HIDUP! cobalah kita menghargai hidup kita ini dan juga selalu bersyukur kepada Tuhan atas hidup kita...karena Tuhan telah memberikan kita kesempatan untuk dapat menikmati hidup kita, baik dalam keadaan bosan,senang ataupun sedih, kita harus tetap bersyukur kepada-Nya atas karunia kehidupan yang telah diberikan-Nya pada kita ^o^
Kita boleh-boleh saja mengatakan "wah...hidupku kok kayak gini terus yah....nga ada yang special banget, membosankan, bla bla bla (pokoknya yang buruk2 tentang hidupmu)" tapi janganlah pernah kamu menyia-nyiakan hidupmu, karena 1 detik dalam hidupmu tu sangatlah berharga. Emang bener sih kalo kita pas lagi ngrasa bosan, sumpek, suntuk, bete...pasti di otak kita keluar pikiran2 kek gitu...apalagi kalo dalam keadaan baru ja putus ama pacar,kerja tugas ngga konsen,kuliah/skul berantakan,orangtua marah2 terus tiap hari,de el el (buset...ini kasi contoh kok rasanya ancur banget yah >.<) kalo uda kena hal semacam itu ujung-ujungnya nyalahin Tuhan >.<
Sekarang coba deh bayangin aja gimana kalo Tuhan tu baru iseng ma kita...kita diberikan waktu buat tidur yang lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget and nga bangun2 (alias mati) kan kita jadi ngga isa menikmati hidup lagi >.< (emang Tuhan pernah iseng yah? :p hehehe...)
Tuhan tu akan dan selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat kita...entah di saat kita sedang senang,bosan mau pun sedih (karena Tuhan bekerja dengan cara2 yang tidak dapat kita tebak) hendaklah kita selalu bersyukur kepada-Nya dan janganlah kita menyalahkan Tuhan atas keadaan hidup kita, karena jalan hidup kita ditentukan oleh kita sendiri dan Tuhan lah yang menuntun supaya kita berjalan di jalur yang benar menurut-Nya. "Tuhan membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya". Amien ^o^

tryin sumthin new to kill my boring time xD

today i try to create a new blog, i never know how to create blog...but i'll learn how to create it ^^ just wondering...nowadays, internet has been developed into a big support for people in the world, but i don't even know how to create a blog !! Gosh o_O
Only for information...i'm an internet addict..but usually i played online games (coz i like to play games ^^), i've met a lot of people from different countries...they're good or i can say, they are great in making sumthing related to computer, digital and internet...woaaa...i'm dreaming i can be like that sumday xD
Now, i'll try to create a blog..maybe it's only a simple blog (coz i still learn how to create it xD) hope all of you can enjoyed ^^